Grand Rapids Academic Summer Program

Grand Rapids Academic Summer Program (GRASP) is a summer math and reading correspondence program that helps scholars in grades kindergarten through 8th retain skills learned during the school year by providing review exercises.

GRASP Curriculum

Teachers and curriculum professionals developed GRASP as a cost efficient substitute for traditional summer school. Lessons were written to correlate with the Common Core Standards which most states have adopted.

GRASP offers 9 lessons to be submitted during the summer - one per week or at a scholar's own pace as long as they are submitted before the final due date. Each lesson reinforces the basic skills typically found in most curricula at that particular grade level. GRASP staff score the lesson and return it to the scholar with comments.

Packets are available for scholars finishing grades K-8 to review their math and reading skills. Scholars finishing grades 4-8 can select online resources instead of the packets.

We recognize our scholars' efforts by awarding a certificate to those who successfully complete at least seven lessons  with 70% accuracy. A medal is given to scholars who successfully complete all nine lessons from their packet.


Print Objectives

Kindergarten Math Objectives

  1. Recognize numbers 1 – 12 when written as words
  2. Addition of 2 and 3 one-digit numbers, addition of two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers
  3. Subtraction of 2 one-digit numbers, and two-digit minus one-digit numbers
  4. Skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
  5. Complete the pattern
  6. Fractions - recognizing 1/4, 1/3, 1/2
  7. Money – find the value of coins, counting money, order and compare
  8. Choose the correct operation
  9. Number sentences – solving for addition and subtraction
  10. Counting the number of objects up to 20
  11. Tell time to the nearest hour
  12. Measurement – use a ruler to measure to the nearest inch
  13. Geometry – recognize shapes such as a square, triangle, or circle
  14. Read a calendar
  15. Use a number line to solve problems
  16. Solve number sentences
  17. Compare and order numbers such as before, after, between, middle, smallest, largest, next, more, less, first, third, last, most, least
  18. Bar and circle graphs
  19. Problem solving
  20. Estimate time needed to complete situation
  21. Compare size of objects such as heaviest, shortest, longest
  22. Geometry – identify correct measurement tool
  23. Recognize days of the week and correct order of days
  24. Write the numbers up to 110
  25. Identify a dozen
  26. Place value blocks
  27. Count backward
  28. Identify seasons

Kindergarten Reading Objectives

  1. Recognize lower case and capital letters
  2. Write a letter that comes before and after another letter
  3. Read a short story and decide what the main idea is
  4. Trace letters, lines, circles
  5. Write the alphabet
  6. Match words that have the same beginning sound
  7. Match words that rhyme
  8. Classification – group pictures into categories
  9. Draw a picture of something that begins with a certain letter
  10. Identify letters of the alphabet, matching upper and lower case letters
  11. Read a simple sentence
  12. Recognize beginning and ending letters and sounds
  13. Identify beginning letter of each picture
  14. Recognize matching words
  15. Recognize difference between real and make believe sentences
  16. Listening skills – parent reads directions and child follow directions
  17. Put three words in correct order to make a sentence
  18. Select picture that begins with a certain letter
  19. Recognize written word that matches the picture
  20. Sequence three story pictures

First Grade Math Objectives

  1. Adding 2, 3 and 4 one-digit numbers, adding two-digit numbers plus one-digit numbers
  2. Subtracting two-digit numbers minus one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers minus two-digit numbers
  3. Skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
  4. Counting the number of objects up to 100
  5. Money – find the value of coins, adding the value of coins
  6. Read a calendar
  7. Fractions – recognize 1/4, 1/3, 1/2
  8. Geometry – recognize a square, triangle, rectangle, oval
  9. Tell time to nearest hour and half-hour, add or subtract time, estimate time needed to complete situation
  10. Complete the pattern
  11. Count backwards
  12. Bar graph
  13. Place value blocks
  14. Identify fact families
  15. Identify unnecessary information in story problem
  16. Use of < > =
  17. Compare and order numbers
  18. Geometry – use a ruler to measure to the nearest inch
  19. Recognize correct number sentence for addition and subtraction
  20. Find missing number in number sequence
  21. Compare size of objects – shortest, heaviest, fullest
  22. Recognize numbers when written such as 6 tens 5 ones = 65
  23. Story problems
  24. Compare weight of objects
  25. Identify even and odd numbers

First Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension – read a short story and answer questions
  2. Choose the correct verb in a sentence
  3. Choose the correct noun in a sentence
  4. Identify main idea
  5. Listen to and follow 3 step directions
  6. Choose correctly spelled word
  7. Identify beginning and ending consonant diagraphs
  8. Choose correct homophone
  9. Compound words
  10. ABC order
  11. Identify beginning consonant blends
  12. Identify author and illustrator of book
  13. Contractions – choose the two words that make up a contraction
  14. Capitalization – choose correctly capitalized sentence
  15. Identify as fiction or non-fiction
  16. Choose correct ending punctuation for sentences
  17. Identify words with the same beginning sounds
  18. Choose correct word to use in sentence
  19. Identify naming words and action words
  20. Synonyms and antonyms
  21. Choose proper place to begin reading a story
  22. Sentence comprehension – putting parts of sentences together
  23. Identify words that belong to the same word family as the picture
  24. Classification – identify correct grouping of words
  25. Choose proper place to find information
  26. Spelling
  27. Select complete and incomplete sentences
  28. Identify words that have the same vowel sound

Second Grade Math Objectives

  1. Adding 3 one-digit numbers and 2 two-digit numbers with and without regrouping
  2. Subtracting two-digit numbers minus one-digit numbers with regrouping and subtracting three-digit numbers minus two-digit and three digit numbers with and without regrouping or borrowing
  3. Multiplication – meaning of
  4. Division – meaning of
  5. Ordering numbers
  6. Skip counting by 2’s, 5’s 10’s, 100’s
  7. Recognizing numbers up to 1000
  8. Identify odd and even numbers
  9. Temperature – read a thermometer
  10. Time – telling time, adding and subtracting time to the nearest hour, half-hour, and quarter hour
  11. Meaning of < > =
  12. Story problems
  13. Fact families
  14. Graphs – bar and pictograph
  15. Measurement – use of a ruler to measure to nearest inch
  16. Measurement – inch, foot, yard, ounces, pound, cup, gallon, quart, gram, kilogram
  17. Money – value of coins, adding and subtracting value of coins and bills
  18. Identify correct number sentence for addition and subtraction
  19. Write and read numbers in standard notation
  20. Fractions – meaning of, subtracting and adding, identify shaded part
  21. Recognize ordinal numbers such as first (1st)
  22. Identify inverse operations
  23. Read place value blocks up to 1000
  24. Identify unnecessary information in story problem
  25. Write numbers in expanded notation
  26. Write a number problem to go with picture

Second Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension
  2. Spelling
  3. Capitalization
  4. Letter writing skills
  5. Addressing an envelope
  6. Using context clues
  7. Vocabulary skills – find meaning of words
  8. Identify words with same vowel sounds
  9. Main idea – read short story and identify main idea
  10. Choose whether story is reality or fantasy
  11. Identify the adjective, adverb, or verb in a sentence
  12. Choose the correct word to complete a sentence
  13. Vocabulary – choose a word with the same meaning
  14. Use context clues
  15. ABC order
  16. Synonyms and antonyms
  17. Choose best story beginning
  18. Sequencing – decide what is most likely to happen next
  19. Punctuation – identify punctuation errors and choose correct punctuation at end of sentences
  20. Poetry
  21. Reference sources – choose correct use of atlas, dictionary, encyclopedia
  22. Identify parts of a book
  23. Rhyming words
  24. Identify differences between fable and fairy tale

Print Objectives

Third Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition of two, three, and four-digit numbers plus two, three, and four-digit numbers
  2. Subtraction of two, three, and four-digit numbers minus two, three, and four-digits with or without regrouping
  3. Multiplication – meaning of, one-digit times one-digit
  4. Division – meaning of, one-digit divided by one-digit
  5. Money – find value of coins and bills, make change
  6. Meaning of < > =
  7. Ordering numbers
  8. Fractions – ordering, show shaded part of a whole or mixed number
  9. Time –tell time, find elapsed time to nearest hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, ten minutes, and five minutes
  10. Probability
  11. Temperature – read thermometer, determine temperature situations
  12. Geometry – perimeter, area, angle, right angle, line segment, pentagon, octagon, triangle, square, triangle intersect
  13. Number patterns
  14. Measurement – hour, minute, second, inch, feet, yard, ounce, pint, quart, gallon, pound, mile centimeter
  15. Estimate to nearest 10 or 100
  16. Skip counting by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s, 50’s, 100’s, 500’s, 1000’s
  17. Properties
  18. Graphs – frequency table, bar graph
  19. Calendar – days, week
  20. Decimals – adding and subtracting decimals
  21. Solve 2 step problems
  22. Round numbers to nearest 10 and 100
  23. Identify denominator and numerator
  24. Use of arrays to identify facts
  25. Write and read numbers in standard notation
  26. Write a number problem to correlate with picture
  27. Read place value blocks up to 1000
  28. Find the missing number on a number line
  29. Problem solving using the order of operations
  30. Measurement – use of a ruler to measure to the nearest centimeter

Third Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Spelling
  4. Editing
  5. Verbs and pronouns – proper use of
  6. Main idea and supporting details
  7. Plurals and possessives
  8. Parts of a letter
  9. Comprehension
  10. Contractions
  11. Reading for information
  12. Listening skills – adult reads story and child answers questions
  13. Cause and effect relationship
  14. Divide words into syllables
  15. Compound words
  16. Context words
  17. Prefixes and suffixes
  18. Using a table of contents
  19. Adjectives
  20. Correct verb and subject agreement
  21. Sequencing events in a story
  22. Use of word web
  23. Reality or fantasy
  24. Dictionary skills
  25. Punctuation and grammar
  26. Identify authors purpose: entertain, persuade, or inform
  27. Use of a Venn Diagram
  28. Using an index
  29. Punctuation
  30. Identify common and proper nouns
  31. Using an encyclopedia or newspaper to find information
  32. Reading strategies
  33. Words with multiple meanings
  34. ABC order
  35. Putting parts of sentences together
  36. Proper use of quotation marks

Fourth Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition of two, three, and four-digit numbers plus two, three, and four-digit numbers
  2. Subtraction of two, three, and four-4 digit numbers minus two, three, and four-digit numbers with or without regrouping
  3. Multiplication of three-digit numbers times one and two digit numbers, four-digit numbers times 1 digit numbers
  4. Division of four-digit numbers divided by one-digit with and without remainders
  5. Decimals – add, subtract, order, place value
  6. Money – make change
  7. Arrays
  8. Properties
  9. Geometry – triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, square, polygon, rectangle, congruent, equivalent, rotation, line of symmetry, vertices
  10. Number patterns
  11. Measurement – week, year, inch, feet, yard, ounce, pound, gallon, centimeter
  12. Estimate to the nearest 10, 100, 1000
  13. Temperature – read thermometer, determine temperature situations, identify freezing and boiling points
  14. Graphs – bar, pictograph, frequency table
  15. Measurement – perimeter, area, volume
  16. Probability
  17. Fractions – shade, add or subtract with like denominator, order, identify equivalent fractions
  18. Round to nearest 10, 100, 1000
  19. Measurement – use ruler to measure to nearest centimeter
  20. Time – tell time to the nearest minute, find elapsed time
  21. Identify decimals as place value blocks
  22. Fact families
  23. Find unknown variable in number sentences
  24. Write numbers in standard notation and expanded notation
  25. Identify odd and even numbers
  26. Geometry- recognize geometric shapes, congruent figures, similar figures, rotation and flips of figures

Fourth Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension
  2. Identify adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, nouns, verbs
  3. Reading skills
  4. Spelling
  5. Punctuation and grammar
  6. Main idea and supporting details
  7. Reading for information
  8. Common and proper nouns
  9. Use of guide words
  10. Synonyms, homophones, antonyms
  11. Dictionary skills
  12. ABC order
  13. Sequencing
  14. Identify parts of a letter and what kind of letter
  15. Adjectives that compare
  16. Identify complete and incomplete sentences
  17. Use of context clues
  18. Prefixes and suffixes
  19. Vocabulary

Fifth Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition – up to and including six-digit numbers plus six-digit numbers
  2. Subtraction – up to and including six-digit numbers minus six-digit numbers
  3. Multiplication – up to and including four-digit numbers times three-digit numbers
  4. Division – up to and including six-digit numbers divided by three-digit numbers
  5. Fractions
    • add with like denominators
    • add with unlike denominators
    • add mixed numbers
    • subtract with like denominators
    • subtract with unlike denominators
    • subtract mixed numbers
    • multiply fractions
    • multiply mixed numbers
    • divide fractions
    • divide mixed numbers
    • order fractions
    • relate to decimals
    • reduce fractions
    • equivalent fractions
  6. Decimals
    • place value
    • equivalent decimals
    • compare and order
    • round
    • relate decimals to fractions
    • add decimals
    • subtract decimals
    • multiply by whole number
    • divide by whole number
  7. Find value of unknown variable
  8. Order numbers
  9. Measurement – perimeter, area
  10. Geometry – right angle, perpendicular, parallel, intersect, line of symmetry, point, ray, equilateral
  11. Number patterns
  12. Money – adding totals
  13. Graphs – chart, bar, pie, line, pictograph
  14. Probability
  15. Multiples, factors, and factor trees
  16. Metrics – conversions, add and subtract story problems
  17. Use of < > =
  18. Writing numbers in standard form and expanded form
  19. Finding the average, median, mode, and range
  20. Measurement – inches, feet, yard, gallon, ounces, pounds, cups, quarts
  21. Composite and prime numbers
  22. Estimate
  23. Mental math
  24. Find elapsed time
  25. Number arrays
  26. Identify fractions and decimals on a number line
  27. Converting from one unit of measurement to another

Fifth Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Synonyms, antonyms, homophones
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Identify authors purpose: entertain, inform, persuade
  4. Identify difference between fact and opinion
  5. Identify adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions
  6. Identify different kinds of poetry: clerihew, haiku, limerick, cinquain
  7. Main idea and supporting details
  8. Figures of speech
  9. Outlining
  10. Predict what will happen next in a story
  11. Identify the problem in a story
  12. Identify and choose the correct verb tense
  13. Identify the correct source to locate information
  14. Common and proper nouns
  15. Plurals and possessives
  16. Editing
  17. Using context clues
  18. Making inferences
  19. Vocabulary
  20. Comprehension
  21. Punctuation
  22. Choose the best summary of a story
  23. Use of guide words
  24. Contractions
  25. Similes

Print Objectives

Sixth Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition – up to and including six-digit numbers plus six-digit numbers
  2. Subtraction – up to and including six-digit numbers minus six-digit numbers
  3. Multiplication – up to and including four-digit numbers times four-digit numbers
  4. Division – up to and including six-digit numbers divided by three-digit numbers
  5. Fractions
    • add with like denominators
    • add with unlike denominators
    • add mixed numbers
    • estimate sums
    • subtract with like denominators
    • subtract with unlike denominator
    • subtract mixed numbers
    • multiply fractions
    • multiply mixed numbers
    • divide fractions
    • divide mixed numbers
    • relate fractions and decimals
    • relate fractions and percents
    • equivalent fractions
    • simplest forms
    • least common denominator
    • compare and order
    • relate mixed numbers as improper fractions
    • find fraction of a number
    • identify diagram of a fraction or mixed number
  6. Decimals
    • place value
    • equivalent decimals
    • compare and order
    • relate decimals and fractions
    • relate decimals, fractions, and percents
    • add decimals
    • subtract decimals
    • multiply by whole number
    • multiply by decimal
    • divide by a whole number
    • divide by decimal
    • zeroes in quotient and dividend
    • identify as shown in a diagram
  7. Percent
    • meaning
    • relate fractions and percents
    • relate decimals and percents
    • percent of a number
    • percent one number is of another
    • find number when percent of it is unknown
    • percent applications of discount and sale price
  8. Graphs – line, pie, bar, charts
  9. Estimate the measure of an angle
  10. Composite and prime numbers
  11. Find greatest common factor
  12. Round to nearest ten, hundred, thousand
  13. Mental math
  14. Geometry – line of symmetry diameter, congruent
    figures, measuring angles, kinds of angles (acute,
    obtuse, right, straight), similar figures
  15. Order of operations
  16. Number patterns
  17. Find average, range, median, mode
  18. Finding value of unknown angle of a triangle
  19. Perimeter
  20. Finding elapsed time
  21. Area of a square, rectangle, and triangle
  22. Finding factors, factor trees
  23. Identify point on a number line
  24. Find value of unknown variables
  25. Rate – miles per hour or miles per gallon
  26. Story problems
  27. Write numbers in standard form or expanded form
  28. Use of < > =

Sixth Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension
  2. Figures of speech: simile, personification, alliteration
  3. Spelling
  4. Parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, nouns, prepositions, verbs
  5. Identify kinds of nouns: common, proper, singular, plural
  6. Compound subjects and predicates
  7. Choose correct source of information
  8. Main idea and supporting details
  9. Homophones, antonyms, synonyms
  10. Cause and effect
  11. Pronouns and antecedents
  12. Simple and complete subjects and predicates
  13. Subject and verb agreement
  14. Contractions
  15. Prepositional phrases
  16. Using context clues
  17. Comparisons using er, est, more, most
  18. Reading for information
  19. Predicate nominatives
  20. Vocabulary
  21. Possessives and plurals
  22. Outlining
  23. Identify natural phenomenon
  24. Fact or opinion
  25. Verbs and tenses
  26. Use of quotation marks

Seventh Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Fractions
    • add with like denominators
    • add with unlike denominators
    • add mixed numbers
    • estimate sums
    • subtract with like denominators
    • subtract with unlike denominators
    • subtract mixed numbers
    • estimate differences
    • multiply fractions
    • multiply mixed numbers
    • estimate products
    • divide fractions
    • divide mixed numbers
    • estimate quotients
    • relate fractions and decimals
    • relate fractions and percents
    • solve equations
    • identify shaded fractional parts on a graph
    • meaning of fractions
    • equivalent fractions
    • simplest form
    • least common denominator
    • compare and order
    • round
    • mixed number as improper fraction
    • find fraction of a number
    • reciprocals
  6. Decimals
    • place value
    • equivalent decimals
    • compare and order
    • round
    • relate decimals and fractions
    • relate decimals, fractions, and percents
    • add decimals
    • subtract decimals
    • estimate sums and differences
    • multiply by whole number
    • multiply by decimal
    • estimate products
    • divide by whole number
    • divide by decimal
    • zeroes in quotient and dividend
    • estimate quotients
    • mental math strategies
    • solve equations
  7. Percent
    • meaning
    • relate fractions and percents
    • relate decimals and percents
    • percent of a number
    • percent one number is of another
    • find number when percent of it is known
    • estimate percents
    • mental math
    • applications in simple interest
    • applications in discount/sale price
    • Seventh Grade Math Objectives Continued
  8. Ratio
    • meaning
    • equal ratios
    • rate
  9. Proportion
    • meaning
    • solve proportions
  10. Measurement
    • length, capacity, weight, mass
    • find elapsed time
    • temperature
    • perimeter, area, volume
  11. Money
    • sums and differences
    • products and quotients
  12. Rounding and estimating
  13. Number patterns
  14. Mental math
  15. Coordinate graphing
    • locate points on a number line
    • graph coordinates in four quadrants
  16. Positive – negative numbers
    • meaning of integers
    • compare and order
    • add and subtract
    • multiply and divide
  17. Exponents
  18. Square roots
  19. Algebra
    • use order of operations
    • solve number sentences
    • evaluate algebraic expressions
    • use of pi
    • use of formulas
  20. Probability
  21. Find the average
  22. Factors and multiples
  23. Common factors/greatest common factor
  24. Common multiples/least common multiple
  25. Prime and composite numbers
  26. Geometry
    • perimeter, area, volume
    • parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, rectangle, square
    • hexagon, octagon, pentagon, decagon, quadrilateral
    • area of a rectangle, circle, square, triangle
    • find the value of a missing angle in a quadrilateral
    • find the value of a missing angle in a triangle
    • parallel lines, perpendicular lines
    • acute, obtuse, and right angles
    • scalene triangle, equilateral triangle
    • find complementary angles
    • use of a protractor
    • changing from one unit of measurement to another
    • changing from American to metric units of
    • measurement
    • graphs – circle, bar, line, pie, frequency table
    • < > = symbols
    • measure and estimate angles
    • relationships in a right triangle
    • story problems
  27. Write numbers in standard form and expanded form
  28. Write numbers in scientific notation

Seventh Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension
  2. Parts of speech: adverb, adjective, noun, verb, pronoun
  3. Spelling
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Figures of speech
  6. Synonyms, homophones, antonyms
  7. Determine the mood of a story
  8. Use of personification, onomatopoeia, metaphor, hyperbole
  9. Common and proper nouns
  10. Fact or opinion
  11. Outlining
  12. Choose correct reference book
  13. Comparative and superlative forms
  14. Characterization
  15. Identify type of writing: short story, novel, essay, expository
  16. Dictionary skills
  17. Determine correct pronoun use
  18. Identify parts of a business letter
  19. Compound subjects and verbs
  20. Punctuation
  21. Grammar
  22. ABC order
  23. Quotation marks
  24. Reading techniques: jigsaw, flowchart, skim, scan

Eighth Grade Math Objectives

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Fractions
    • add with like denominators
    • add with unlike denominators
    • add mixed numbers
    • subtract with like denominators
    • subtract with unlike denominators
    • subtract mixed numbers
    • multiply fractions
    • multiply mixed numbers
    • divide fractions
    • divide mixed numbers
    • relate fractions and decimals
    • relate fractions and percents
    • solve equations
    • meaning of fractions
    • equivalent fractions
    • simplest form
    • least common denominator
    • compare and order
    • round
    • mixed number as improper fraction
    • find fraction of a number
    • reciprocals
  6. Decimals
    • place value
    • equivalent decimals
    • compare and order
    • round
    • relate decimals and fractions
    • relate decimals, fractions, and percents
    • add decimals
    • subtract decimals
    • multiply by whole number
    • multiply by decimal
    • divide by whole number
    • divide by decimal
    • zeroes in quotient and dividend
    • mental math strategies
    • solve equations
  7. Percents
    • meaning
    • relate fractions and percents
    • relate decimals and percents
    • percent of a number
    • percent one number is of another
    • find number when percent of it is known
    • application in circle graph
    • estimate percents
    • mental math
    • applications in simple interest
    • applications in discount/sale price
  8. Ratio
    • meaning
    • equal ratios
    • rate
  9. Proportion
    • meaning
    • solve proportions
  10. Measurement
    • temperature
    • perimeter, area, volume
  11. Money
    • sums and differences
    • products and quotients
  12. Rounding and estimating
  13. Number patterns
  14. Mental math
  15. Coordinate graphing
    • locate points on a number line
    • graph coordinates in four quadrants
  16. Positive – negative numbers
    • meaning of integers
    • compare and order
    • add and subtract
    • multiply and divide
  17. Exponents
  18. Square roots
  19. Algebra
    • use order of operations
    • solve number sentences
    • evaluate algebraic expressions
    • use of pi
    • use of formulas
  20. Probability
  21. Find the average, median, mode, and range
  22. Factors and multiples
  23. Common factors – greatest common factors
  24. Common multiples – least common multiple
  25. Use of > < =
  26. Geometry
    • perimeter, area, volume
    • parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, rectangle, square
    • hexagon, octagon, pentagon, decagon, quadrilateral, ray
    • hypotenuse, altitude, midpoint, radius
    • find the value of a rectangle, circle, square, triangle,
    • trapezoid, parallelogram, and irregular shape
    • find the value of a missing angle in a quadrilateral
    • find the value of a missing angle in a triangle
    • parallel lines, perpendicular lines
    • acute, obtuse, straight, and right angles
    • equilateral triangle
    • find complementary angles and corresponding angles
    • find congruent sides
    • find diagonal
    • Pythagorean Theorem
    • find the volume of a sphere, cylinder, cone, rectangle
    • line of symmetry
    • find the perpendicular bisector
    • find the surface area
    • changing from one unit of measurement to another
    • changing from American to metric units of measurement
    • graphs – circle, bar, line, pie, frequency table, Venn
    • diagram
    • find the circumference of a circle
    • estimate measure of angles
    • relationships in a right triangle
    • story problems
  27. Graph solution to equality on a number line
  28. Find the absolute value
  29. Write numbers in standard form and expanded form
  30. Write numbers in scientific notation

Eighth Grade Reading Objectives

  1. Comprehension
  2. Spelling
  3. Parts of speech: adjective, adverb, noun, verb, pronoun
  4. Fact or opinion
  5. Pronouns and antecedents
  6. Correct use of then and than
  7. Possessives and plurals
  8. Acronyms
  9. Correct verb usage: rise or raise, sit or sat
  10. Capitalization
  11. Punctuation
  12. Use of commas
  13. Sequencing
  14. Predicate nominatives
  15. Outlining
  16. Use of simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia
  17. Cause and effect
  18. Homophones, antonyms, synonyms
  19. Independent and subordinate clauses
  20. Use of context clues to find word meanings
  21. Degrees of adjective: positive, comparative, superlative
  22. Appositives
  23. Use of skim and scan techniques
  24. Business letter writing skills
  25. Prepositional phrases
  26. Identify feeling of characters in story

Increase Test Scores

"Can’t wait for the Summer program; I firmly believe that Taylor’s testing scores have remained consistent because of the bridge that GRASP provides between grades and I am so grateful that it is available to us!"

- Marti

Great Activity for Summer Months

"This brings back happy memories of when our daughter Jennifer participated in GRASP 30 years ago. A great activity for the summer months. Now she's a mom and MD passing on the tradition."

- Grandpa Duke

Expanding Skills

"I am very happy with this program. I plan on using it again next summer. My son has not only retained his skills but has expanded them."

- Susan, parent

Parent & Child Engagement

"GRASP helps a parent to get to know more about their child and see how they think."

- Sue, parent

Retain Study Habits

"We are so thankful you offer this program to help our children stay in the study habit."

- Ken & Marilyn, parents and teachers

Sound Program that Builds Confidence

"You have a very sound program and I am personally and professionally pleased with the outcome it has produced in my daughter. She is becoming more confident with her mathematical skills and looks forward to the new experiences your program offers."

- Stanley, father and associate professor

Scholar Enthusiasm

"Sara has really enjoyed working on the GRASP program this summer. Her enthusiasm remained throughout, and she eagerly looked forward to the return mail and your cute comments."

- Mary, parent

What is the program format?

Each course in math and reading consists of a packet of nine weekly lessons, envelopes addressed to the scoring center, and pencil. Each lesson is constructed to reinforce typical basic skills generally found in most curricula at that particular grade.

What should my child expect?

A scholar is enrolled in reading and/or math by assignment to the level that was completed during the school year. Special needs scholars and gifted scholars can compensate by simply enrolling at the level appropriate for them. Completed answer sheets are sent to a scoring center where trained personnel process the responses and return the corrected copy. The lessons can be scheduled around family vacations or camp.

How do scholars benefit?

Our program is uniquely designed to provide encouragement and reinforcement to scholars over the summer by: providing feedback on a weekly basis, providing help on problem areas and awarding successful work. Using the GRASP materials helps scholars recall information learned during the school year over the summer. The scholar is ready to start the next school year without losing important skills and thought processes.

Does my school benefit from this program?

Yes. We keep track of each scholar's progress and completion. We mail each participating district a report on the scholars that they enrolled. Offering this program shows parents how important education is to your staff.


Register for GRASP

Register Online

If your school or district does not participate by enrolling scholars in GRASP, register online by clicking the button below. The cost for independent enrollment is $38 for one subject or $68 for both math and reading. If ordering the mail-in packets, we will send them materials to your home. If ordering online GRASP we will email you when the payment is processed and the account is activated.

Register a GRPS Scholar

Register a Non-GRPS Scholar

Register by Mail or Fax

You may also download our GRASP Enrollment Form PDF to print, complete, and return by mail or fax. If you need assistance accessing this PDF form, please contact our Director of GRASP at

Mail: Please deliver form to 2405 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505.

Fax: Please fax form to 616-819-2545.


Contact Us

Call to find out how you can help bring GRASP to your students!