The Grand Rapids Public Schools Athletics Department currently manages and supports 40 seasonal athletic programs available for GRPS scholars in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Our Vision for Athletics
Grand Rapids Public Schools will create educational opportunities and experiences, through athletics, that will enhance scholar achievement, scholar development, and school culture.
Why Participate in Athletics?
As a district, we believe that the participation in athletic programs is essential for scholars to develop teamwork and self-discipline while building self-confidence - skills that help prepare scholars for the real world. We strive to provide an environment where our scholars are encouraged to learn new skills, dedicated to practicing those skills, and rewarded for their hard work. Athletics allows scholars to build positive relationships with their peers by learning sportsmanship in competition.
Athletic Programs
Athletic programs are available to scholars at all of our schools. To learn more about what athletic programs are offered by grade, please review the elementary, middle, and high school athletic pages by clicking the buttons below. You can also contact your school directly for more information about athletic programming at a specific school or throughout the district.
District Athletic News & Events

Support Elementary & Middle School Athletics
Through the generous gifts from the Grand Rapids Public Schools Foundation donors, Great Sports, Great Kids provides youth sports programming for elementary and middle school scholars across the district.
Contact Us
Call (616) 819-2112