Communications Protocol

Grand Rapids Public Schools takes pride in our customer service and responsiveness. To ensure our scholars, families, parents, guardians, team members and community members receive timely responses to any questions or concerns, we have developed the Communications Protocol to provide support with a step-by-step guide for who to contact about various matters.

If you have questions, concerns, and/or would like more information, you should start with contact person #1. If you do not get a timely response or the issue is not resolved, you then go to contact person #2 and so forth. Most parent, caregiver, and community questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the classroom, school building, or department.

On matters with teacher/classroom concerns:

  1. Classroom Teacher
  2. Principal
  3. Executive Director of the School
  4. Deputy Superintendent
  5. Superintendent
  6. Board of Education

On matters involving instruction/curriculum:

  1. Classroom Teacher
  2. Principal
  3. Director of Curriculum
  4. Executive Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning
  5. Deputy Superintendent
  6. Superintendent
  7. Board of Education

On matters involving scholar discipline or classroom/school behavior*:

  1. Classroom Teacher
  2. Assistant Principal/Dean of Students
  3. Principal
  4. Executive Director of the School
  5. Deputy Superintendent or the Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Public Safety & School Security
  6. Superintendent
  7. Board of Education

* Scholars/Caregivers wanting to appeal certain suspension decisions must follow the process outlined in the Student Policy Handbook on Page 43 and 56.

On matters involving facilities, grounds, buildings:

  1. Principal
  2. Executive Director of the School
  3. Executive Director of Facilities and Operations
  4. Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Public Safety & School Security
  5. Superintendent
  6. Board of Education

On matters involving transportation:

  1. Principal
  2. Transportation Director
  3. Chief of Staff/ Executive Director of Public Safety & School Security
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education

On matters involving food and nutrition services:

  1. Principal
  2. Executive Director of the School
  3. Director of Nutrition Services
  4. Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Public Safety & School Security
  5. Superintendent
  6. Board of Education

On matters involving athletics:

  1. Coach
  2. Athletic Director
  3. Principal
  4. Executive Director of Athletics
  5. Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Public Safety & School Security
  6. Superintendent
  7. Board of Education

Communications & External Affairs

Our mission is to support the district by providing high quality and effective communication, community engagement opportunities, and legislative advocacy.


Contact Us

Communications & External Affairs
Call 616-819-2149