The investment projects at the Innovation Central High & GR Montessori Middle High School building represent monumental improvements in the state’s oldest functioning high school building.

New Heating and Air Conditioning

One of the main objectives is the replacement of the heating system. The new system provides air conditioning for the first time in the building that opened in 1911. The new system also meets all requirements for proper building ventilation. 

The building is also receiving:

  • New electric and gas service
  • Historically correct window replacement
  • Lighting upgrades to LED fixtures
  • A new fire suppression system
  • Bathroom fixture replacements
  • Minor interior finishes upgrades such new ceilings, flooring, and painting. 

Exterior Improvements

Outside, the project includes some masonry restoration, a new roof section and the rebuilding the main front steps.

Publish Date: January 11, 2024

The project scope is substantially complete. The commissioning of the HVAC is estimated to be completed by the end of February. 

The auditorium interior reconstruction is ongoing. The design for the lighting, sound, and rigging upgrades started on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. The auditorium will remain offline until the completion of the mentioned upgrades, which is currently projected by the end of August 2024. 

Innovation Central third floor classroom

Innovation Central third floor

Innovation Central interior wall

Publish Date: November 17, 2023

The installation of the exterior wall of the north auditorium is complete. The new electrical transformer is installed and the power switchover will take place on Saturday, November 18. The full HVAC system will be started on Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21. The commissioning will start on December 4 and is anticipated to be complete by December 15.

The project's anticipated completion date is anticipated by January 5, 2024.

Grand Rapids Montessori exterior work

Grand Rapids Montessori exterior work

Grand Rapids Montessori exterior

Grand Rapids Montessori exterior

Grand Rapids Montessori exterior

Publish Date: November 3, 2023

The construction activities in the last phase are ongoing with a completion date of January 4, 2024. The north auditorium exterior wall panels have been fully installed and the building envelope will be tight by mid-November.

The final rooftop units' installation will take place on November 7 and the new electrical transformer is anticipated to be installed in early December upon receipt. The substantial completion date for the full project is January 5, 2024.

The HVAC system at Grand Rapids Montessori is functional, and the controls work is ongoing. The commissioning work for the HVAC system will start in mid-November, and the anticipated completion date for the project is November 30.

The playground and exterior work are ongoing with an anticipated completion date of November 17.

Publish Date: October 13, 2023

The construction activities on the third and fourth floor east wing are ongoing. The new exterior panel installation is ongoing and anticipated to be complete by October 27. The full exterior scope for the auditorium is anticipated to be complete by mid-November while the interior scope is anticipated to be complete with the full project completion in January 2024.

Publish Date: September 29, 2023

The construction activities on the third and fourth floor east wing are ongoing. The new structural steel for the north auditorium walls has been installed and the new exterior panels installation starting on Monday, Oct. 2. The exterior scope for the auditorium is anticipated to be complete by mid-November while the interior scope is anticipated to be complete with the full project completion in January 2024.

Publish Date: September 15, 2023

Over the past couple of weeks, the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression infrastructure work continued on the third and fourth floors. They also finished the demolition of the deteriorated structural steel of the north auditorium wall. The installation of the new steel started last Monday and will continue over the next couple of weeks. The anticipated completion date for the project is January 2, 2024.