GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (GRPS) — The Grand Rapids Board of Education will begin consideration of the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year.

The board will receive its annual presentation of the budget at the evening board work session on Monday, June 12. A public hearing will be held on Monday, June 19 at 5:30 p.m. before the board is expected to vote on the budget at the regular 6:30 p.m. meeting.

GRPS Chief Financial Officer Rhonda Kribs will outline the budget process and share projected budget details.

The Board of Education is required by law to adopt a budget by June 30 each year for the General Fund, the Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Retirement Funds. The adopted budget cannot result in a deficit fund balance.

The proposed budget anticipates a $458 per pupil increase, from $9,150 to $9,608. The projected enrollment figure used to inform the budget is 13,707. This provides an anticipated funding increase of $6.3 million.

The vast majority of our funding is used to pay salaries. In this proposed budget, salaries and benefits make up 72% of our spending. That percentage is typically higher but the large influx of one-time COVID funding has brought the figure down.

Download the Proposed GRPS Operating Budget and District Data

Download the 2023/2024 Budget Presentation